• API Endpoint

    Transaction/ABI endpoints for ICON network. Used to get information or relay information to Delegates. Typically representing an end-user that has services running on or in support of the ICON network

  • API Node

    Transaction/ABI endpoints for ICON network. Used to get information or relay information to Public Representatives. Typically representing an end-user that has services running on or in support of the ICON network

  • Application Binary Interface (ABI)

    The public-facing, callable endpoints of a smart contract

  • Audit

    A software code audit is a comprehensive analysis of source code in a programming project with the intent of discovering bugs, security breaches or violations of programming conventions


  • Berlin Testnet

    Berlin Testnet is a test network. Facilitating the first round of testing before Lisbon Testnet and ICON main network

  • Block

    An addition to the ICON distributed ledger that may be validated. Consists of transactions

  • Block

    An addition to the ICON distributed ledger that may be validated. Consists of transactions

  • Block Production Rate

    The amount of blocks that ICON network produces in a period of time

  • Blockchain

    A series of validated transactions that guarantee computational events to occur logically and securely

  • Blockchain A [deprecated]

    Starting location of a transaction on the blockchain

  • Blockchain B [deprecated]

    Ending location of a transaction on the blockchain

  • Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP)

    Decentralized, trustless interoperability solution.

  • BTP Blocks

    BTP blocks are validated by ICON’s validator set and are verifiable through ICON blocks

  • BTP Message Center

    Links service handler, light node, and relay. Passes message from service handler to light node.

  • BTP Message Relay

    Passes messages from source to destination blockchain

  • BTP Message Validator

    Maintains destination blockchain state on source blockchain. Passes state headers to relay

  • BTP Service Handler

    Endpoint that the user queries to bridge assets

  • Bug bounty

    Bug bounties are offered by many websites, organizations and software developers by which individuals can receive recognition and compensation for reporting bugs, especially those pertaining to security exploits and vulnerabilities


  • Call

    An action that takes place within a transaction

  • Citizen [deprecated]

    Transaction/ABI endpoints for ICON network. Used to get information or relay information to Public Representatives. Typically representing an end-user that has services running on or in support of the ICON network

  • Code Coverage

    Code coverage is a software testing metric that that can help in assessing the test performance and quality aspects of any software.

  • Code refactoring

    The process of restructuring existing computer code

  • Community Member

    ICON community member

  • Contribution Proposal

    Projects that would benefit the ICON ecosystem to be supported by public representatives and discussed by the community at-large. Funding for these projects comes from a percentage of network rewards

  • Contribution Proposal System (CPS)

    Decentralized grant program operated by ICON delegates

  • Cross-chain hub

    A network that supports cross-chain messaging

  • Cross-chain messages

    Calls from one blockchain to another

  • Currency Exchange

    Service for trading currency from one type to another, which may include cryptocurrency


  • Decentralized

    In the context of computer programs, decentralized refers to the notion that it includes a component that is run on many different computers and by many independent operators for the purpose of servicing a user

  • Decentralized Application (dApp)

    Application on a distributed network run by multiple independent operators. Typically refers to applications that operate on or make use of a blockchain

  • Delegate

    Block validator for the ICON network. Transaction processors for operations that change the state of the ICON network. Typically representing an end-user group that has made important contributions to the ICON network. Typically encouraged to incentivize the at-large ICON Community for participation and to help increase the value of the ICON network

  • Delegate Term

    The period of time that a delegate is voted to their position

  • Delegated Proof of Contribution [deprecated]

    A decentralized blockchain validation protocol whereby a group of delegates validate blocks on behalf of all nodes in the network. Validators stake a significant amount of currency to prove that their validations are legitimate at the risk of losing the staked currency

  • Delegated Proof of Stake

    A decentralized blockchain validation protocol whereby a group of delegates validate blocks on behalf of all nodes in the network. Validators stake a significant amount of currency to prove that their validations are legitimate at the risk of losing the staked currency

  • Delegation

    Contribution of voting power towards a delegate / validator candidate

  • Destination Blockchain

    Ending location of a transaction on the blockchain


  • End-user

    Person. A type of user that is either a person or a group of people


  • Global state machine

    A logic system that tracks current status and facilitates changes in status through decisions and transition processes

  • Goloop

    Goloop is a smart contract enabled enterprise-grade blockchain software written in Go with many unique features providing a secure, immutable and scalable environment to develop decentralized applications

  • Governance

    A system for making and enforcing decisions

  • Governance Variable

    Network parameters including voter reward rate, public representative reward rate, contribution proposal system reward rate, and monthly inflation

  • Grant

    A monetary gift, where the recipient is typically expected to pursue some pre-defined goal with the money received


  • ICE & SNOW

    Polkadot parachain and Kusama canary-chain for ICON network. EVM-compatible. Can be used to write smart contracts in Solidity

  • ICON Bridge

    Centralized blockchain interoperability solution

  • ICON Improvement Proposals (IIPs)

    Standards for the ICON platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards. Including ideas for new standards

  • ICON Network

    Merkle-tree-based, decentralized, public blockchain for running cryptographically secure computations

  • ICON Smart Contract Framework

    Smart contract framework for ICON

  • ICONist [deprecated]

    ICON community member

  • ICX Token

    The cryptocurrency that is used to govern the ICON blockchain, and pay for transaction fees for decentralized applications on ICON Network

  • IIP

    ICON Improvement Proposals (IIPs) describe standards for the ICON platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards

  • Instruction fee

    A charge that must be paid in association with executing a computational instruction using computational power on the blockchain

  • Interoperable

    Able to utilize multiple, independently run and validated blockchains to create a single application


  • Java

    Smart contracts on ICON are written in Java and executed within Goloop’s Java Virtual Machine (JVM) environment


  • Ledger

    A list of transactions maintained by a bookkeeper. In the context of cryptocurrency, often synonymously used with “blockchain”

  • Light Client

    Maintains destination blockchain state on source blockchain. Passes state headers to relay

  • Light Node

    Maintains destination blockchain state on source blockchain. Passes state headers to relay

  • Lisbon Testnet

    Lisbon Testnet is a test network. Facilitating the last round of testing before ICON main network


  • Machine-user

    Service that connects to another application. A type of user that acts on behalf of an end-user

  • Mainnet

    A mainnet is a fully operational and working blockchain

  • Merkle Tree

    Computational structure for ensuring that computational events happen in a specific, logical order

  • Merkle Tree Accumulator

    Queue of concatenated merkle tree roots with cached hashes that can verify the inclusion of a given hash

  • Message Broker

    Links service handler, light node, and relay. Passes message from service handler to light node

  • Message Validator

    Maintains destination blockchain state on source blockchain. Passes state headers to relay


  • Native Coin

    A blockchain’s inherent digital currency

  • Network

    Collection of linked computers running services that interact with each other

  • Network Proposal

    Changes to the ICON network to be decided upon by public representatives and discussed by the community at-large

  • Nexus

    A frontend application for transferring tokens across blockchains via ICON Bridge.

  • Node

    Computational service running in support of the ICON network that can either be an API Endpoint or a Delegate / Validator


  • Off-chain

    Data or logic that is not on the blockchain

  • On-chain

    Data or logic that is codified into the blockchain global state machine

  • Open source

    Open source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance

  • Oracle

    An oracle is a bridge between the blockchain and the real world. They act as on-chain APIs that can be queried for information and used in smart contracts


  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

    Any information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any information that is linked or linkable to that individual

  • Public Representative [deprecated]

    Block validator for the ICON network. Transaction processors for operations that change the state of the ICON network. Typically representing an end-user group that has made important contributions to the ICON network. Typically encouraged to incentivize the at-large ICON Community for participation and to help increase the value of the ICON network


  • Receiver

    User that gets tokens during a transaction

  • Relay

    Passes messages from source to destination blockchain

  • Relay Operator

    Party that transfers messages between blockchains

  • Repository

    A repository is a location, either real or virtual, where data is stored. Development repositories are commonly stored on GitHub

  • Representative Term [deprecated]

    The period of time that a delegate is voted to their position

  • Request for Proposal (RFP)

    Request for Proposal (RFP) lists provide community members with ideas for their grant requests. Take a look at the Request for Proposal list for each funding source for inspiration and insight.


  • Sender

    User that gives tokens during a transaction

  • Service Handler

    Endpoint that the user queries to bridge assets

  • Sink Blockchain

    Ending location of a transaction on the blockchain

  • Smart Contract

    Blockchain-integrated code for maintaining and interacting with data in a trusted, distributed database

  • Smart Contracts On Reliable Environment (SCORE) [deprecated]

    Smart contract framework for ICON

  • Solidity

    Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs which govern the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state

  • Source Blockchain

    Starting location of a transaction on the blockchain

  • Special Interest Group (SIG)

    Collaborative group of independent parties that openly contribute and share expertise on a specific technology area

  • Staking

    Locking up tokens in contribution to a blockchain entity. Typically staking yields rewards

  • Staking Rewards

    Currency yield earned by locking up tokens in contribution to a blockchain entity

  • Standard Developer Kit (SDK)

    Standard developer kit. Allows for programmatic interaction with the ICON blockchain

  • Step

    A unit of measurement associated with computational processing on the ICON network. Currently it's economic value is associated to 1 * 10^-8 ICX


  • Target Blockchain

    Ending location of a transaction on the blockchain

  • Token

    Blockchain’s non-native, third party currencies

  • Token Swap

    Service for trading currency from one type to another, which may include cryptocurrency

  • Tracker

    A tracker reports on block-by-block transaction activity on a blockchain

  • Transaction

    Cryptographically signed instructions from accounts

  • Trustless

    A promise that can be made between multiple parties without the requirement for any one party to simply believe that the other parties are telling the truth


  • User

    Parties that interact with the blockchain. Senders and receivers in a transaction. Token holders. Includes end-users and machine-users


  • Validator Node

    Block validator for the ICON network. Transaction processors for operations that change the state of the ICON network. Typically representing an end-user group that has made important contributions to the ICON network. Typically encouraged to incentivize the at-large ICON Community for participation and to help increase the value of the ICON network

  • Validator Term

    ICON's decentralized and trustless interoperability protocol that facilitates generic messaging betweeen industry-leading blockchains.

  • Voting

    In a general context, tallying the preferences of a userbase in order to make a decision. In the Delegated-proof-of-stake context, using staked tokens to provide block validation for newly created blocks


  • Wallet

    In the context of cryptocurrency, a storage service for cryptocurrency

  • Web3

    Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics

  • Whitepaper

    Peer-reviewed, technical explanation of protocols or systems. May also colloquially refer to original paper introducing ICON network


  • xCall Service

    The xCall service is ICON's messaging standard for all cross-chain communcation. Compatible with all existing and future cross-chain protocols.


  • Yellowpaper

    Non-peer-reviewed, technical explanation of protocols or explanations